кіберзагрози, здобувачі початкової освіти, мова ворожнечі, кібербулінг, методика ознайомлення, попередженняAbstract
The article provides a theoretical justification of such Internet threats as hate speech and cyberbullying and offers methodical techniques for familiarizing primary school students with them. The relevance of the raised problem is caused by a significant increase in the number of fraudulent actions, organized psychological influence and other methods of conscious or unconscious criminal activity, to which children are especially vulnerable. Only a trained person who knows the correct algorithm of actions in certain dangerous situations, when interacting with other Internet users or the materials posted on it, can recognize such threats and be able to counter them. It is determined that hate speech is any communication or behavior that manifests itself in humiliating people based on characteristics that they cannot and should not change. The identified phenomenon harms victims and society, turning into a common practice of communication on the Internet, which destroys respect for human dignity. Examples of the work of teachers in this direction during morning meetings or educational hours, which consist in cultivating tolerance in students of primary education, developing in them the skills of responding to the incorrect behavior of other Internet users, and forming an active civic position, are considered. Cyberbullying is analyzed as a systematic behavior aimed at intimidating, provoking anger or insulting a person using digital technologies. As the internet expands the scope of cyberbullying, it leaves digital footprints – evidence that can stop the bullying and bring the bully to justice. The essence of propaedeutic work in elementary school consists in familiarizing children with the essence of the problem, the signs of cyberbullying, developing a resistance strategy and raising awareness of the degree of legal responsibility for the systematic humiliation of another person’s dignity. It was concluded that when working with children of primary school age, the delivery of information with a propaedeutic purpose should be dosed so as not to cause the opposite effect of interest.
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