students with intellectual disabilities, socialization, afterschool education, folk crafts, folk creativityAbstract
The article presents the modified program «Folk creativity» from the decorative and utilitarian profile of the artistic and aesthetic direction of afterschool education at the primary and basic levels. The purpose of the article is to reveal the content of the «Folk creativity» program, built taking into account modality-specific patterns of development and socialization of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. The purpose of the educational program «Folk Creativity» is to promote the development and socialization of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities by engaging them in folk crafts and forming educational-cognitive, life-practical, civic and social, subject (technological) competencies. The program contains the simplest information for practicing Ukrainian folk arts and crafts, which do not require complex equipment, educate independence, form goal setting and develop aesthetic taste. The program of the initial level of education is designed for four years, the program of the main level – for six. The content of the program involves deepening the subject (technological) competence that children acquire in the lessons of manual labor and labor training in the institution of general secondary education. The main sections of the entry-level program are work with plastic materials (salt dough); paper and cardboard; natural materials; pysankarstvo The basic level program consists of the following sections: work with plastic materials; care for indoor plants; basics of forestry; work with textile materials; vine weaving; bead work; Ukrainian folk embroidery; penmanship; pottery It is emphasized that the involvement of children in handicrafts has a distinct corrective, vocational orientation and socialization orientation. The program is built according to the linear-concentric principle, using a tabular method. The content of the educational material by years of study is given, the educational achievements of the students of the circle are characterized, and the direction of corrective and developmental work when mastering each program section. This program has been approved, the results of the implementation of the modified program testify to its effectiveness.
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