educational work, cultural and leisure activity, children’s leisure, professional training of future teachers, social and pedagogical activityAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyze the state of modern research on the preparation of future primary school teachers for the organization of cultural and leisure activities. It is the leisure sphere that represents the natural need of a child. However, only pedagogically organized leisure provides an opportunity to satisfy leisure interests, inclinations, develop the abilities and talents of the child. The experience of foreign countries in the development and implementation of new teacher training programs is analyzed. It is noted that among the key qualities of the future teacher, some American researchers consider the ability to empathize, effective informal communication and optimistic sociability. The article highlights the vectors of modern Ukrainian scientific research on the training of future primary school teachers. Among them: development of theoretical principles of extracurricular educational work and functioning of extracurricular institutions, theoretical and methodological principles of cultural and leisure activities, education of spiritual personality and rationalization of organized leisure, organization of educational and cultural and leisure activities at school, preparation of future primary school teachers for cultural and leisure activities. The scholars place different emphasis on the purpose of cultural and leisure activities at school. Some researchers consider cultural and leisure activities as a necessary component in the education system, others suppose organizational aspect of cultural and leisure activities to be the key point, or understand free time as a condition for deepening knowledge, socialization of personality, manifestation of abilities and talents of children. The article concludes that today there is a search for ways and conditions to improve pedagogical training for the organization of cultural and leisure activities in extracurricular work. The scientists propose the following steps: integration of management efforts of the participants of the vocational training system; updating the content of theoretical, methodological and practical training; review of the content of university textbooks; introduction of active teaching methods; introduction of new disciplines.
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