



psychologist, professional activity, image, professional image, image formation, factors


The article, based on the analysis of scientific works on the essence and features of the formation of the professional image of a psychologist, identifies the main approaches of scientists to the interpretation of the categories "image" and "professional image". It is determined that the image of a person is most often defined as a certain image formed in the individual on the basis of his behavior, actions, behavior in society, which is perceived by others. It has been found that the professional image is an integral part of the personal image of the psychologist. definition of professional image is a logical continuation of the image in the usual sense, taking into account the formation of the image of the individual as a professional. The main tasks of forming the professional image of a modern psychologist are formulated, among which: formation of a positive attitude to obtaining professional results; promotion of professional success based on the formation of a favorable impression on others; growth of self-confidence and self-strength; ensuring the concentration of efforts on the strengths of their professional activities and correcting the weaknesses; adaptation of appearance and behavior to the conditions of different professional situations. It is proved that the formation of professional image in the environment "man - man" is important because the professional activity of specialists in this field, in particular, psychologists, is based on interpersonal interaction. This entails justifying the client’s choice of the psychologist to whom it is desirable to seek help. The article provides a comparative critical analysis of the factors shaping the professional image of a psychologist, identified by other researchers. Taking into account the analysis, a list of the most important factors from the point of view of the author is formed. The results of research of levels of significance of factors of formation of professional image of the modern psychologist are resulted. Three groups of respondents took part in the study: 30 psychologists, 50 clients and 60 students. The results of the study revealed that all three groups of respondents prefer such factors as: knowledge and professionalism; emotional balance and stability; desire for self-development; effectiveness of professional activity; professional intuition; presentability; popularity, activity in social networks; appearance, professional personality. In addition, professional psychologists also put stress resistance and the ability to avoid conflicts, as well as appearance, in one of the first places. Among the clients the most significant are also: responsibility, purposefulness. And students also emphasize the importance of focus and appearance.


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How to Cite

ВОШКОЛУП, Г. (2021). FACTORS OF FORMATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL IMAGE OF THE MODERN PSYCHOLOGIST. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (3), 212–218. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2021.3.31

