primary school, digital resources, digital information sources, digital toolsAbstract
The article states the necessity of using various digital educational resources in the process of teaching junior schoolchildren. The research attention is drawn to the approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of «digital educational technologies», «digital educational resources» and their classification, «digital educational environment». Based on the analysis of the works of domestic researchers and the synthesis of ideas on the use of digital resources in the practice of the new Ukrainian school, one of the approaches to their classification is proposed: digital information sources (various text, illustration, sound, animation materials stored in digital format) and digital tools (applications that provide the ability to work with information sources). The following digital resources were identified as the most appropriate for primary school teachers: platforms for organising on-line conferences (Zoom, Google meet); applications for creating mental maps (memory maps) (Coggle), tests and interactive tasks (Mentimeter, Kahoot! Google forms, Wordwall, Liveworksheets, LearningApps), flashcards for memorising information (Quizlet), interactive video lessons (Unimaster), word clouds (WordArt), interactive posters (Thinglink), webquests (National Educational Platform Vseosvita); on-line whiteboards (Jamboard, Explain Everything); resources for learning mathematics and developing logical thinking (Matific); on-line classes (ClassDojo, GoogleClass); Google Arts & Culture virtual tour service; MozaBook software. The expediency of using the presented digital resources in the practice of primary school teachers is substantiated on the example of specific exercises and fragments of lessons from the integrated course «I Explore the World» for younger students of different years of study. It is noted that such a variety of digital resources does not limit the teacher in the choice of forms, means and methods of teaching, stimulates the choice of applications that would best ensure the implementation of the topic and content of the lesson at different stages and contribute to the formation of key competencies of students.
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