linguo didactics, active methods, communicative competence, language culture, speech, spelling literacy, language hockey, labyrinth, pedagogical disputeAbstract
The article, based on scientific and methodical literature, focuses on the importance of using active learning methods in the linguistic and didactic training of future primary school teachers. It has been established that the concept of “methods of active language learning” extends to a large group of techniques and methods of conducting theoretical and practical classes, including analysis of specific situations, problem solving, heuristic discussion, the labyrinth method, role playing, dramatization, didactic and business game, etc. It has been proven that in the educational process, active teaching methods encourage the active mental and practical activity of future teachers in the process of mastering the material, contribute to the development of their creative abilities, cognitive activity and independence, mastery of professional skills. It is argued that the use of active learning methods helps to make the educational process not only interesting for future teachers, but also effective. The practical experience of work at the ZVO proves that the skillful use of active learning methods during the mastery of linguistic didactic disciplines in the specialty “Primary Education” ensures the proper motivation of students to study the Ukrainian language and its teaching methods, creates a situation of success in mastering language and speech material. In practical activity, a lecture-visualization has proven itself to be successful, during which the student is able to establish appropriate relationships between concepts, concepts, approaches to determining the essence of linguistic concepts and their features, features of the introduction of the studied material into the educational process of primary school. Interactive teaching methods, such as work in pairs, work in small groups, «hot chair», microphone, method of unfinished sentences, brainstorming etc. Business games such as «Language hockey» and «Language lexicon» are of particular interest to students. «Pedagogical dispute», «Travel», «Language experts», which provide an opportunity to simulate the process of learning the Ukrainian language in primary school and to acquire professional communication skills with younger students. The purpose of the publication is to highlight the features of the implementation of active methods in the speech and language training of students majoring in «Primary Education». Prospects for further research are the identification of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of active learning methods in language-didactic education of future primary school teachers, problems of preparing students for communicatively oriented technologies of Ukrainian language learning.
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