academician Oleksandra Savchenko, a scientific heritage, a pedagogical innovations, the scale of leading ideas, the methodical system of textbooks, a formation of reading independence, a younger schoolchildren, reading in primary gradesAbstract
In the article reveals the pedagogical innovation of academician Oleksandra Savchenko's methodical system on the problem of forming reading independence of younger schoolchildren. The key positions of the innovative views of the Ukrainian scientist on the way to the development of national primary education and the linguistic and literary field of education, in particular, are highlighted. Her contribution to the creation of a new generation of textbooks on «Literary reading» for students of grades 2–4 was evaluated on the basis of methodological integrity, which is ensured by taking into account the ideas of developmental education, cultural studies, Ukrainian studies, artistic and aesthetic lines of this subject. The key ideas of combining textbooks on «Literary reading» for younger schoolchildren into a single methodical system, a complete set understandable to children, contributing to the expansion of their reading space, motivation to independent reading activities, and instilling a love of reading are presented. The system of views of Academician O. Savchenko regarding the improvement of the effectiveness of reading lessons in primary school in the context of the introduction of communicative and personal-activity approaches was analyzed. The ideas of the scientific activity of the famous Ukrainian scientist O. Savchenko regarding the need for purposeful formation by means of the artistic word of the moral, ethical and aesthetic experience of younger schoolchildren, their involvement in a deep perception of what they read, the correlation of their «I» with the behavior of other people, the formation of reading independence of younger schoolchildren, the ability read and work independently with texts. Conclusions were made regarding the pedagogical innovations of the famous Ukrainian scientist in the educational process of primary school and the scale of the leading ideas of the methodological system of textbooks on «Literary reading» of Academician Oleksandra Savchenko for the formation of reading independence of younger schoolchildren. This article is of high scientific and practical interest for teachers, scientists and everyone who is interested in the development of reading independence of students of primary education. It serves as an important source for research in the field of pedagogical innovation and education of the younger generation, contributing to the formation of active readers and thinking personalities.
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Типова освітня програма для 1–2 класів НУШ (розроблена під керівництвом О. Я. Савченко). Нова українська школа. URL : (дата звернення: 28.09.2023).
Типова освітня програма для 3–4 класів НУШ (розроблена під керівництвом О. Я. Савченко). Нова українська школа. URL : (дата звернення: 28.09.2023).