organizational and pedagogical conditions, children with special educational needs, tolerance, formation of tolerance, tolerant educational environmentAbstract
The article carries out a theoretical analysis of scientific sources that highlight various aspects of the formation of a tolerant culture in the conditions of a comprehensive educational institution with inclusive education. The concept of "tolerance", "pedagogical conditions for the formation of tolerance in an inclusive environment", "children with special educational needs" has been clarified; study of various pedagogical approaches to the definition of organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the establishment of humane relations between schoolchildren and their peers with disabilities and form a tolerant attitude towards them. It is established, that the tolerance of teenager in the minds of inclusion is an important building block of a positive environment for all children, regardless of their physical or mental abilities. Inclusion in the lighting process means that all educational activities, including children with special lighting needs, can begin at once. It has been established that ensuring a tolerant environment in an inclusive school requires the great efforts of teachers, teenager, fathers and administration. This embraces the creation of the initial space, where the skin learns to consider itself important and where diversity is seen as strength, and not as a defect. It is important that teenager begin to appreciate the uniqueness and uniqueness of each person: diversity can enrich the initial process and prepare them for life in marriage, where each person will find his purpose tse. Not only an inclusive environment it helps teenager with special educational needs, but promotes the development of all teenager and the formation in them of the values of tolerance and respect for diversity. A child's growth and education in a tolerant environment can become the foundation for a more tolerant society as a whole. It was determined that the behavioral component of tolerance is most often the object of both diagnosis and development. This component includes the memory, skills, and knowledge that allow the functioning of the pluralism of thoughts, assessments, and emotions in the human population. Thus, it is important to determine the positions of power, the opportunity is important and urgent to establish before determining others, to accommodate different positions among themselves.
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