academician Oleksandra Savchenko, a scientific heritage, а historical-pedagogical analysis, а development of primary education, a person-oriented learning, a competence approach, New Ukrainian School.Abstract
The article presents the results of a study on the personal contribution of a well-known Ukrainian scientist Oleksandra Yakivna Savchenko to the problem of modernization of primary education in Ukraine in different historical periods. In particular, the author classified them as follows: transformation of primary education in Ukraine in the first decade of its independence (the need to form a new educational policy, adaptation to changed socio-economic conditions, preservation and development of national-cultural values); renewal of primary education with the introduction of personality-oriented and competence-based approaches to learning (orientation to the development of creative abilities, independence and mutual assistance of students, formation of their key and subject competencies); reforming of primary education in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School (implementation of the ideas of child-centrism, partnership, innovation and inclusiveness). The main attention in the study is focused on identifying the key ideas and conceptual foundations for the modernization of primary education, as well as their relevance and significance for the modern educational process. It is determined and substantiated that the scientific heritage of academician O. Savchenko has theoretical and practical value for the development of national education, especially primary. The attention is drawn to the fact that the scientist O. Savchenko was the ideological inspirer of the competence-based primary education, the developer of the system of key competencies, as well as the supporter of child-centrism, pedagogy of partnership, innovation and inclusiveness in education, which is a solid foundation for the ideas of the New Ukrainian School. Therefore, the results of the study allow to assert that the scientific heritage of academician Oleksandra Savchenko is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and guidance for modern educators who strive for constant improvement.
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Типова освітня програма для 1–2 класів НУШ (розроблена під керівництвом О. Я. Савченко). URL :
(дата звернення 20.10.2023).
Типова освітня програма для 3–4 класів НУШ (розроблена під керівництвом О. Я. Савченко). URL : (дата звернення 20.10.2023).