English borrowings, Anglicisms, lexical borrowings, implementation.Abstract
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the implementation of Anglicisms in modern Ukrainian in the context of globalization processes and the development of digital technologies. It is noted that the study of the real connections between languages occurs through the interaction of the Ukrainian language system with both closely and distantly related languages, as each linguistic system is not homogeneous. The process of borrowing English words (Anglicisms, Anglicisms) into Ukrainian is part of a broader phenomenon of language contact, characteristic of all languages influenced by international communication. The international status of the English language in today’s world highlights the issue of its growing influence, as well as its impact on the Ukrainian language. It is emphasized that the English language is an integral part of the objective process of modern Ukrainian, driven by societal progress. This necessitates the use of terms in Ukrainian that have been established through global Englishspeaking practices. The focus is on the reasons and mechanisms behind the recent lexical borrowings from English into modern Ukrainian, their adaptation to the Ukrainian linguistic system, and their influence on communication in various areas of life. Based on scientific research, it has been confirmed that the lexical composition of the language is most affected, with the implementation occurring more actively than in its phonetic or morphological structures. Motivated lexical borrowings are identified as one of the most important factors in language development. The specifics of the current stage of lexical borrowings are outlined, and the linguistic and extralinguistic factors that contribute to the intensification of Anglicisms in modern Ukrainian are characterized. The sociolinguistic aspect is also highlighted, particularly the impact of Anglicisms on language identity, language policy, and cultural uniqueness. Attention is drawn to the correct use of Anglicisms and their place in the modern linguistic landscape.
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