cultural aspects, aesthetic education, elementary school students, Ukrainian song and dance folklore, children’s folklore.Abstract
The article reveals the cultural aspects of the aesthetic education of primary school students by means of Ukrainian song and dance folklore. Ukrainian song and dance folklore has deep roots and a centuries-old history and is closely connected with the life of the Ukrainian people, which is reflected in everyday life, customs, beliefs, aspirations for beauty and freedom. The best human qualities are embodied in folk songs and dances: kindness, hard work, sincerity, optimism, humor, as well as reflected joys and sorrows, dreams and hopes of people. The views of scientists in the field of cultural studies of ethnoculture, art history, musicology, sociology of music, ethnography, folkloristics, Ukrainian choreography are characterized, who focus their attention on a broad synthesis of issues related to the functioning, development and enrichment of ethnomusical, ethnosong, ethnodance values as a means aesthetic education. Empirical as well as theoretical studies of scientists in the field of cultural studies and ethnoculture are indicated, which predict the processes of development of Ukrainian musical culture and determine the prospects of using Ukrainian song and dance folklore in the system of aesthetic education of children. Ukrainian children’s song and dance folklore is analyzed as a component of musical creativity that reflects the diversity of people’s lives and is the result of both individual and mass musical creativity, which are dialectically interdependent and are an important manifestation of aesthetic consciousness, thoughts, fantasy, dreams, expressing actualized feelings, moods, aspirations and ideals. Undoubtedly, Ukrainian children’s song and dance folklore is significant in scope and content the world of folk music and poetry. The use of Ukrainian song and dance folklore in the aesthetic education of primary school students is considered, which is an important factor in the formation of a harmonious personality that possesses national self-awareness, aesthetic taste, high moral qualities, creative potential and a sense of unity with its culture and people.
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