emotional disorders, depression, stress, students, mental health.Abstract
Objective. The proposed article provides an overview of existing psychological theories on the importance of mental health of students and an empirical study of its quality in the context of military conflict. Methods. The theoretical part of the work was based on a comparative analysis of domestic scientific and theoretical studies on the problem of emotional disorders and their impact on the quality of mental health in students. On the basis of theoretical searches and generalisations, a programme for empirical testing of the identified provisions was developed. The validity and reliability of the results were ensured by the scientific and methodological validity of the study, the use of methods adequate to the tasks and the representativeness of the sample. Results. Supporting students' mental health is a critical aspect that affects their academic and personal growth, social functioning, and overall well-being. This study found that student life is often accompanied by significant psycho-emotional stress, which can lead to anxiety, stress, emotional exhaustion, and even burnout. Underestimating these problems can have a negative impact on academic performance and the health of young people in the long run. The study identified a number of important methods of mental health support for students, which include both personal strategies (self-regulation, development of stress resistance, time management) and external support (psychological counseling, participation in student support groups, mental health awareness programs). Educational institutions play a significant role in promoting students' mental well-being by providing access to qualified help, creating a friendly and safe educational environment, and implementing psychological literacy programs.
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