younger schoolchildren, educational process, multimedia technologies, presentation.Abstract
At the current stage, special attention is needed for the latest technologies of education and upbringing of children. Recently, modern computer and communication technology capable of processing and presenting various types of information has been actively developing. Its use is quite relevant in the field of education, in particular in primary school, because a child's primary school age is the most favorable for the development of his creative potential, cognitive activity, motivation to study and active participation in work in class. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to highlight the features of the use of multimedia tools in primary school, to substantiate their advantages over traditional teaching tools. Research methods include: analysis, synthesis, generalization. The main results of the study formulated the didactic principles of using multimedia technologies. It is assumed that using them in the educational process in the form of interesting, dynamic, game forms will contribute to students' mastery of innovation and at the same time deepen their knowledge of certain educational subjects. In this context, the issue of improving the computer literacy of Methodist teachers receives special attention. When applying multimedia technologies in classes with students, the teacher must be guided by the main didactic principles: scientificity, accessibility, systematicity, consistency, which will contribute to the formation of children's psychological readiness to work with computing equipment. Thanks to the use of computer software and pedagogical tools, the child develops better, masters educational components more easily, gets acquainted with the surrounding world, develops thinking, imagination, speech, and enriches the vocabulary. The conclusions indicate that the use of multimedia technologies in primary classes makes it possible to significantly expand and diversify the methods of working with children of primary school age.
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