classical dance, ballet, choreographic art, world experience, performing skill, choreographic vocabulary.Abstract
The article examines the dynamic changes in the genre structure and dance language of Ukrainian ballet art of the 20th century from its inception to the present day. It is noted that in the first studios and schools, choreographic education was carried out as early as the 19th century, taking into account world experience; the peculiarities and specifics of its use in the process of formation of classical dance in Ukraine are clarified. The specifics of the formation of Ukrainian ballet in the context of the best ballet examples of European art are characterized. The conditions of formation and formation of Ukrainian ballet art in the context of the historical, political and social conditions of the development of Ukraine are revealed. It was established that Ukrainian culture was based on the humanistic tradition of universal values, which was embodied in the specificity of genres and forms of national ballet art. The development of professional Ukrainian ballet took place in the confluence of three directions that interacted with each other, adhering to the orientation towards Western European (French and Italian) choreography, the canons of the classical school of dance and classical ballet, support and a new vision of Ukrainian folk choreographic traditions. The formation of the high-quality dance vocabulary of the national ballet and its modern forms is marked by the transformation and aesthetic renewal of the traditions and forms of the classical choreographic theater. Attention is focused on the fact that the Ukrainian ballet theater of the second half of the 20th century is experiencing qualitative changes, which are characterized by the integration and synthesis of classical dance with modernized forms of Ukrainian folk stage choreography. The means and methods of enriching the visual and stylistic palette of classical dance, which form a unique system of artistic and expressive language that allows creating unique choreographic images, are revealed. It is noted that the peculiarity of choreographic art is its direct connection with music, which contributed to the multifaceted disclosure of the choreographic image in its brightness and completeness, affecting its tempo-rhythmic structure; connection with literature, which is an example of multi-genre, stylistic diversity. It has been established that in the art of dance, the ballet master, choreographer, and performer are active participants in the creation of an integral genre-choreographic composition, which presents the interconnected processes of the general dynamic system of the dance work, and their transformation is the process of dance.
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