competence approach, key competencies, new Ukrainian school, entrepreneurial competence, entrepreneurship and financial literacy, didactic gameAbstract
The article reveals the direction of modern education to implement a competency approach and the formation of key competencies in students, one of which is initiative and entrepreneurship. The necessity and bases of formation of entrepreneurial competence in the educational environment of a general secondary education institution are theoretically substantiated. It is noted that the formation of primary economic experience in primary school students is most successful in the process of play, because it is in the game that the child has the opportunity to “practice” their knowledge, apply them, expand their own experience. The structure of the lesson on the formation of entrepreneurial competence is highlighted. The advantages of using didactic games as a means of teaching children in the initial period of study are analyzed and its features in the formation of entrepreneurial competence are determined. It is outlined that the approximate content of basic economic knowledge is reflected by the teacher himself when he introduces children to financial literacy, using various forms of work. The formation of entrepreneurial competence involves not only play learning, but also the organization of extracurricular activities, including: conducting weeks of financial literacy, excursions to financial institutions, development of student projects, exhibitions and more. It is noted that entrepreneurship and financial literacy are the key to becoming a successful person, enterprising and fully developed, able to change the world for the better. In the process of working on scientific intelligence, the following research methods were used: theoretical: analysis and synthesis during the elaboration of pedagogical and methodological literature on the researched problem; theoretical comprehension and generalization of the experience of teachers and their own experience in the formation of entrepreneurial competence of future primary school teachers.
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