national-patriotic education, civic qualities, national traditions, national culture, New Ukrainian schoolAbstract
The development of the personality of a citizen of Ukraine, the formation of an innovator and a patriot in order to preserve the integrity of the domestic state involves the formation of civic qualities. The formation of patriotism in Ukrainian society remains a priority for both the state and the education system as a whole. Educational institutions are state and public institutions that organize their activities on the basis of national culture and national traditions, which in content, forms of work meet the national and cultural needs of Ukraine, its development as a sovereign state. Thus, national-patriotic education is an important component of the modern educational process. The formation of the ability of a person, a citizen to be active in the affairs of society, the state on the basis of awareness of their rights and responsibilities with a harmonious combination of national and patriotic feelings is considered as citizenship. The formation of civic qualities is interconnected with the concept of patriotism, which today is identified with the protection of national interests, bringing order, ensuring social justice. Patriotism carries with it respect for other peoples, countries, and their cultures. Respect for one's country, its national traditions, history and rich culture is the basis of any education. In 2017, reforms in general secondary education began – the beginning of the implementation of the New Ukrainian School Concept. This is the school reform of the Ministry of Education and Science, which provided for the creation of a school where children will learn through activities. In the 2017–2018 academic year, 100 schools tested the new standard, from 2018–2019, all first grades study according to it. The school environment in the conditions of NUS has brought up children in the spirit of patriotism, deep understanding of history of the people, national identity, identity. The task of teachers is that the words Ukraine, patriotism acquire a special meaning for the child. An important area is the daily education of respect for the Constitution of the state, legislation, state symbols - Emblem, Flag, Anthem. An important aspect of national-patriotic education and the formation of citizenship is respect and love for the state language. The language environment always influences the formation of a student-citizen, a patriot of Ukraine. Many generations of Ukrainians fought for Ukraine's independence, which became a reality on August 24, 1991. Today, our state is only 30 years old. Celebrating and honoring our state thirtieth anniversary, it is important for the children's school space to spend it interestingly, drawing attention to the significant events and figures of our iconic contemporaries who actively participated in the development of Ukraine.
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