social pedagogy, technology, educational potential of family, parentsAbstract
The article considers and analyzes a number of modern social and pedagogical technologies aimed at the development of educational potential of parents, namely: "Training programs for parents on the basis of the" Center for psychological rehabilitation of the population " (Akimenko), a model of teacher's educational interaction with the pupil's family in the process of forming the pedagogical culture of parents (Tsurkan), Technology of formation of conscious parenthood in group interaction (Tyuptya, Lukyanenko,), Technology of social and pedagogical support of family and family education (T.Alekseenko), "Education for parents from internally displaced persons" (Trubavina), model of partnerships of the educational institution with the family (Orzhehovska, Kirichenko, Kovganych). The semantical and methodological content of these technologies embraces the different forms of work with parents, namely: various methodological techniques and techniques that allow to influence the emotional, cognitive, behavioral components of parental attitudes (interactive lecture, video lecture; round table, training, seminar, master class, workshop, presentation, information discourse, outing, training with the involvement of specialists, open day, excursion, parental desk, advisory points, electronic correspondence, etc.). Training technologies are implemented due to the principles of complexity, voluntary, pedagogical optimism, taking into account the interrelation of conscious and unconscious behavioral motives of each family member, and their effectiveness is achieved by deepening the cognition of the parents themselves, their psychological characteristics, awareness of their actions and thoughts, strengthening the positive qualities of the individual, acquiring skills of adequate behavior in certain social situations; studying the world of childhood as such, in-depth knowledge of your child, his actions, emotions, thoughts, as well as on the basis of finding the best ways to communicate with the child, finding and using adequate methods of education and development of the child on the basis of its complete acceptance.
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