interest, cognitive interest, integration, New Ukrainian schoolAbstract
At the present stage of education reform, one of the main tasks is to create the necessary conditions for the full development and self-realization of every citizen of Ukraine. The key to the effectiveness of educational activities and the learning process of junior high school students is the effectiveness of cognitive activity, which depends on the purposefulness of mental activity, the development of intellectual abilities and innate talents of students. The article reveals the problem of formation of cognitive interest of primary school students in integrated lessons in the concept of the New Ukrainian school. The concepts of “interest”, “cognitive interest”, “integration” are considered. It is noted that the main thing in the system of work for the development of cognitive interest of younger students is that the learning process should be intense and exciting, and the style of communication – soft and friendly. A necessary prerequisite for successful learning is to create an atmosphere of joy, curiosity and interest in the learning process. The development of cognitive interests of primary school students in the learning process is necessary to ensure the right balance of reproductive and productive activities, skillful inclusion of emotional material and constant stimulation of students at all levels of cognitive activity. In conclusion, the article emphasizes that one of the effective ways to enhance the cognitive activity of primary school students is integrated learning. In the New Ukrainian school, integrated learning is considered through the prism of a holistic worldview (a great idea) and is not divided into separate disciplines. Thus, integrated learning helps both teachers and students. The teacher sees his subject in a new way, understands its relationship with other sciences more clearly and begins to combine the possibilities of different disciplines to create a holistic view of students about the world, society, science and a rt. Meanwhile, students develop widely, acquire new holistic knowledge about the world, perceive reality in a new way and go to school with interest.
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