



game, game activity, plot-role game, theatrical game, didactic game, fiction, folklore


Preserving and strengthening the child's health and self-worth is a priority for families and preschools. This is emphasized in the State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which defines the expectations of society on the development, upbringing and education of preschool children, provides for the formation of the child's competencies, which indicate the ability to actively show personal possessions in various independent and organized adult activities. Among the key competencies for preschool education, our attention is drawn to the game and art and speech. It is the game competence that realizes the child's ability to apply existing and learn new knowledge through the leading type of activity, and artistic and speech – to reproduce artistic and aesthetic impressions from the perception of literary and folklore works by means of different types of artistic and speech activities. G. Kostyuk, S. Rusova, V. Sukhomlynsky, K. Ushinsky and others made a significant contribution to the development of gaming activities. O. Bezsonova, A. Bogush, N. Bibik, A. Bondarenko, N. Gavrish, A. Matusyk, D. Mendzherytska, T. Pirozhenko, I. Sikorsky, O. Savchenko pointed out the role of play activities in the development and education of preschoolers. M. Shut and others. Fiction as a type of activity that promotes the development of preschoolers was the subject of research A. Bogush, N. Gavrish, V. Kuzmenko, D. Lutsenko, O. Kononko and others. However, despite the significant amount of research in this area, little research has been done on the organization of play activities in the process of acquainting preschoolers with fiction. With this in mind, the purpose of the article is to investigate the state of use of different types of play activities in acquainting preschool children with works of fiction and to suggest possible ways to use game forms of work in acquainting preschool children with works of art. It is known that play is the most accessible activity for preschool children, as it corresponds to the mental properties of preschoolers and promotes the development of their interests and abilities. There are many classifications of types of game activities: directing, role-playing, design and construction, games on the themes of literary works, mobile, didactic, folk games and more. It is clear that the creative educator in his activity will be able to use any kind of game when acquainting children with literary works (both with small genre folklore and author's works). Note that introducing children to folklore (games, sayings, rhymes, appeals, etc.) can offer mobile games, and to learn them you can use mnemonics. When reading and mastering fairy tales (folk or literary) it will be appropriate to conduct story-role or theatrical games. In addition, there are many didactic games that will help children better understand and analyze the content of fairy tales. Among such didactic games are "What rights are violated in the heroes of fairy tales", "Find a couple in a fairy tale (work)", "Find a shadow", "Recognize a fairy tale by drawing", "Collect a fairy tale", "Lotto" and more. During the study of poems (for example, P. Voronko "Sly hedgehog", "Snow fell on the threshold", M. Poznanska "Chamomile", P. Tychyna "And I went to the grove", etc.) and translation of works (for example, L. Ukrainka ("Mother is already winter", "Cherries", "On a green hill", etc.) you can use mnemonics or Lulia's circles, which are also used as a didactic game. The use of any games while acquainting children with works of art contributes to the development of their memory, attention, consolidation of acquired knowledge and the formation of the ability to use them in practice. The main thing is that the learning process takes place in an interesting way and helps to meet the natural needs of preschoolers – the need for play. Thus, the development of creativity of preschoolers will depend on the creative approach of adults in teaching and educating children. The types of games we offer during the acquaintance of preschool children with literary works do not limit the wide possibilities for the integration of different types of activities in working with preschool children. We see further research in the study of the use of IT technologies in acquainting preschool children with literary works.


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How to Cite

ЄНГАЛИЧЕВА, І. (2022). OPPORTUNITIES TO USE GAME ACTIVITIES DURING INTRODUCTION TO PRESCHOOL CHILDREN WITH LITERARY WORKS. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (6), 9–14. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2021.6.2

