information and communication technologies, Primary general education, coronavirus pandemic, Organization of distance learning, educational technologiesAbstract
The article defines the role of educational information and communication technologies in the organization of distance learning for Primary general education institutions in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. It is proved that the prerequisites for the formation of the information society in Ukraine were changes in the speed of information dissemination and expansion of access to information resources. The information development of society is based on the involvement of the most modern Information Media, Information, and communication technologies. It reflects the achieved level of Information Management in society and the degree of effectiveness of creating, storing, processing, presenting, and using information that provides a holistic vision of the world, it's modeling, and predicting the results of decisions made by a person. The essence of Information development of society is the readiness not only to use the latest achievements of information technology but also in the ability to perceive new information. It is proved that information and communication technologies are proposed to be understood as a set of objects, actions, and rules related to the preparation, processing, and delivery of information in personal, mass, and industrial communication, as well as all technologies and industries that integrally provide the listed processes. Information and communication technologies are generalizing concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, and algorithms for information processing. The most important modern devices used in the educational process can be considered a computer equipped with appropriate software, and telecommunications facilities along with the information placed in them. It was established that the symbiosis of the existing information society in Ukraine and the announcement of a nationwide quarantine has become the key to the formation of a new form of Education based on information and communication technologies. It is proved that the problem of using information and Communication Technologies is not only to provide the educational process with appropriate technologies but also, among other things, from the human factor, which is determined precisely in the lack of necessary skills for primary school teachers in their application.
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