primary education, competence, professional competence,Abstract
The article reveals the problem of formation of professional competencies of future teachers of primary education institutions while studying the discipline "Methods of teaching an integrated course "I explore the world". The relevance of this problem is justified, which is due to the reform of education in Ukraine, primarily the implementation of the New Ukrainian school and professional training of a modern teacher to meet today's requirements. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical research in the field of this problematic is carried out and the aim of the research is defined, which is the implementation of the analysis of modern normative documents on professional competence of teachers and the research of the process of competence formation in future primary school teachers while studying the methodological discipline. The analysis of the Professional Standard for Teachers has been carried out. The general and professional competencies stipulated by the standard are characterized. The work functions of a teacher and professional competencies corresponding to them are substantiated. The aims, objectives, professional competencies, programme outcomes of the discipline "Teaching methodology of the integrated course "I explore the world" are presented. In order to understand the teaching of the course, an analysis of the typical educational programmes of the New Ukrainian School, namely: natural, historical, social, civic, healthsaving educational branches, is conducted. The content of this methodological discipline is analysed. The process of familiarization of future primary school teachers with effective methods (problem-search, research, project methods), visual aids (natural - living and inanimate natural objects, graphic, multimedia, information and technical), types of lessons (integrated lessons, research lessons, project lessons) is disclosed. The results of a focus group survey of higher education applicants to identify their established professional competencies are presented. In the course of the study the following competencies have been identified, which are formed in future primary school teachers while studying the discipline "Methods of teaching an integrated course "I Explore the World": subject-methodological, information and digital, pedagogical partnership competence, design, innovation competence.
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