



Voita therapy, interdisciplinary approach, cerebral palsy, physical therapy, the concept of application of new(author`s) methods


Features of the professional activity of a physical therapist entail changes in training programs in this specialty. Every physical therapist must have a good idea of the nature and limits of practical skills, competencies and have a broad vision of the modern field of health care. The breath of vision of the specialist and his competencies are constantly changing throughout the period of professional activity. Their high level should be maintained through lifelong learning, based on both their own assessment of the need for knowledge and the need to provide certain services. At the same time, providing care in state – or independent – funded health facilities is a difficult, changing process. The task of qualification programs is to provide students with everything they need to provide services. The article is devoted to the analysis of the need use of author`s methods of rehabilitation and adaptation, as a tool to improve competence in the training of future specialists, physical therapists. The task of the study was to develop an innovative method of Vojta therapy to determine the feasibility of its study in higher education. The funds of the internet resources Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, PubMed and the PEDro database were developed. As a result of the work on the research, the problem of the effectiveness of the correction process according to the author`s method is considered: both the positive impact during its application and the shortcoming are considered. Possible conditions of patients in relation to treatment with this method are considered. It is concluded that it is expedient as a new object in the training of physical therapists, which will help direct future professionals to the formation of the child`s independence in everyday life, ability to self-care, improve general motor activity and motor skills, improve free communication and education. As well as effective restorative practice with adults. Thus, to create an educational platform for the training of domestic specialists in physical therapy, symmetrical with international education systems.


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How to Cite

ВІЗІРЯКІНА, О. (2022). VOITA THERAPY IS THE NEW OBJECT IN THE TRAINING OF FHYSICAL THERAPISTS. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (6), 130–135. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2021.6.20

