



broadcasting, senior preschool children, types of games, experience of educator, preschool, playing form


The problem of development of speech skills of senior preschool children is one of major in the system of preschool education. Degree of development of broadcasting is description of form of man and people on the whole. By means of language means a man expresses itself, the inner world, attitude, aesthetic, ethic, world view and intellectual development. Making for the preschool children of skills of the practical possessing the mother tongue, ability correctly to build expression in oral - a basic task that appears before establishment of preschool education. The grammaticality of broadcasting improves for the child of senior preschool age, mastering of suffixes proceeds, there is aspiring to the exact use of grammatical forms, that appears in critical attitude toward the own broadcasting and broadcasting of other people. In preschool age, broadcasting of child performs the duty of communication, cognition of the world, planning of own actions and joint activity. A child seizes mainly colloquial style of verbal Ukrainian language. Broadcasting comes forward as a main factor of socialization of children not only in preschool establishment but also after his limits. As, preschool age is characterized that by leading activity of child playing, then exactly a game stimulates broadcasting of preschool children. Use of various games during studies and spare time of children, helps timely development, in particular broadcasting. Speech-playing activity is activity, that needs application of purchased earlier knowledge, speech skills and abilities. For this activity a characteristic sign is that children were able to realize the construction of playing plot. For children a game with a word is not only an interesting, but also useful process for her development. Speech games are sent to the correct pronunciation, clarification and fixing of dictionary, on common development of broadcasting. Preschool children study to express own opinion, find a general compromise between children, ability to draw conclusion. At the same time with development of broadcasting, children become more confidently, a diffidence disappears, tension, constrained. The game, as a leading type of activity of preschool children, it follows to use during speech development that appears in child's activity with communication. The use of the didactics playing preschool establishments is widespread. They are used not only on employments but also during walks and in spare for children time. Orientation on playing activity, receptions and playing forms it is important to plug in educational work. As the special value acquires combination of game with educational activity in the senior group of preschool establishment, so as a transition originates from playing to educational activity.


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How to Cite

ЄЛДІНОВА, С. (2022). FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH SKILLS OF SENIOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN ARE IN PLAYING FORM. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, 1(1), 44–49. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2022.1.1.7

