


preschool children, emotions, emotional sphere, emotionality


In the article the author describes the features of the emotional sphere of a preschool child. The main conditions for the full-fledged development of the emotional sphere of the child's personality are outlined. It is determined that emotions significantly affect the personality, lead to the formation and consolidation of certain emotional traits. It is analyzed that the process of forming the personality of a preschool child is directly related to the development of emotional and volitional sphere of the child, which in turn depends on the social environment in which the formation and development takes place, as well as the child's relationship with important adults, motives. To solve certain tasks, a set of research methods, which included: analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, synthesis, comparison, systematization, generalization to substantiate the starting points of the study, identifying features of the emotional sphere of preschool children are used in the article. Support and comprehensive development of qualities specific to preschool age are extremely important, as unique conditions will not be repeated, and acquired experience during this period will be difficult or impossible to make up. Love for the child, its recognition and unconditional acceptance, i.e. the satisfaction of basic human needs, is a necessary condition for the comfortable well-being of the child, the formation of its activity and independence. It is in preschool childhood that the emotional worldview of the child is formed. It is the emotions in childhood that can leave a big mark in the future. Emphasis is placed on the fact that emotional disorders occur in preschoolers as a result of negative influences of external stressors on the psyche and individual characteristics. Emotional disorders can lead to disruption of social contacts of the child and require a system of corrective actions by adults. We can state that our modern society is not properly aware of the importance of the development of the emotional sphere of the preschool child, as well as the urgent need to take care of its development no less than the development of the intellectual sphere. In this regard, it should be noted that, unfortunately, emotional education is a secondary element of education today, although it should be a core component of education that ensures that children understand themselves and the people around them.


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How to Cite

РЕВТЬ, А. (2022). PECULIARITIES OF THE EMOTIONAL SPHERE OF A PRESCHOOLER. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, 1(1), 112–117.

