


primary schoolers, disorders, autism spectrum, psychological and pedagogical support, inclusion, individual educational trajectory, adaptive programs


The article reveals the stages of psychological and pedagogical support for primary school children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and the educational experiment has been carried out. It consists of several stages. On every stage the educational program for a group (class) and the individually adapted program for every student with ASD have been developed and adapted. The latter includes three blocks: basic, the programs to correct disorders on cognitive sphere and the programs to correct emotional-volitional development. It is proved that during the educational experiment we have found that educating a student with ASD at general secondary education establishments is optimal to start at corrective small size classes with his further transfer to the inclusive class. This studying may be held in several stages: adaptive and diagnostic, content and organizational, resultative and reflexive. But at adaptive and diagnostic stage very child needs a social integration at school. After the stage the basic of educational behavior are formed in the children with ASD, correlation and communication with children and adults appears to be more adequate to social norms. The monitoring system of the results to master adaptive educational program is also developed. Its tasks include: 1) to adapt the assessing system in order the children with ASD are able to demonstrate the results and knowledge of the subject; 2) to analyze the students’ knowledge and skills mastering and opportunely take the measures to remove gaps; 3) to collect and analyze the information for developing and correcting the students’ individual educational route. The introduction of supplementary educational teaching instrument is proved to help a child with ASD fulfill the tasks being oriented on the final result, make easier the fulfillment of interim operations, e.g. the recollection of earlier studied material. One of the suggested innovations deals with the use of special monitoring system that helps to adapt the assessing system in order, on one hand, the children with ASD to be able to demonstrate the results and the knowledge of the studied subjects and, on the other hand, to have the possibility to opportunely take the measures in removing gaps. It is stated that not every child with ASD is able to continue his studying in the inclusive class even after he has been a student in a corrective class. This student is necessary to continue his studying in the system of special schools. The educational experiment has revealed that team approach is one of the requirements to organize the studying of the children with ASD at school. It is important for the team to include sufficient number of specialists to provide complex and systemic corrective and developing influence. The results of the study may be used for further development of specialized teaching methods, technologies and forms for children with ASD at primary and secondary education.


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