


child, abuse, abuse prevention, foreign experience


In the article the author describes the features of foreign socio-pedagogical work to prevent child abuse. The main
directions of work on prevention and counteraction to child abuse are outlined.
It is noted that at the state level the work to improve existing legislation in order to improve state policy on the protection
of the rights of children is underway, especially orphans and children deprived of parental care; new bills are being
drafted to establish social rehabilitation centers – children’s towns as a complex of institutions for children in crisis or
difficult life circumstances, children deprived of parental care, orphans, homeless and neglected children.
The necessity of improving the national experience of working with children by applying a comprehensive, systematic
approach in the process of pedagogical diagnosis and expanding the social experience of children, as well as the formation
of life skills to protect their rights and interests is substantiated.
The article emphasizes that although measures to overcome child abuse are being taken in our country, this negative
phenomenon continues to spread. There exists a low level of knowledge in this regard among specialists who deal with the protection of children’s rights as well as insufficient illustration of the problem. Therefore, the author emphasizes that
an extremely important point in the work of domestic specialists in the social sphere is to take into account foreign experience
in preventing child abuse. Positive foreign experience should be more widely promoted among social sphere professionals,
social educators and more actively creatively implemented in the practice of socio-pedagogical work in our country.


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How to Cite

ГРИНИК, І. (2022). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF CHILDREN ABUSE PREVENTION. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, 1(1), 152–157.

