profession-orianted (career-guidance), professional self-determination, scientific lyceum, researchoriented learning, research competenceAbstract
The aim of every modern educational institution is to promote the formation of a person who is capable of choosing a career path. Consequently, it is significant the apply cross-cutting approaches to career guidance in the educational process. According to the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, scientific Lyceums provide secondary education in the system of specialized education. The article studies the problems of preparing lyceum students for choosing a future profession. Aim: to consider the theoretical foundations of students’ professional self-determination who receive specialized scientific education; to determine the features and specifics of the scientific lyceum, to substantiate the factors that contribute to the students’ professional self- determination; to define conceptual approaches to the issue of preparing lyceum students for choosing a future profession. Methods: theoretical (induction, synthesis, generalization); empirical (study and analysis of legal documents in the field of specialized education), the results of the scientific lyceum. Results: The concept of “professional self-determination” of students at scientific lyceums is revealed, the specifics of scientific lyceum as an institution of specialized education of scientific direction are determined. The process of professional self-determination in the context of the organization of research-oriented learning and the development of research competence is analyzed. Approaches to the management of work with students, in order to provide a conscious choice of a future profession, are identified. Conclusions: The results of the analysis of legal documents provide reasons to claim that the state has created favorable conditions for the development of specialized educational institutions of scientific orientation. Impoving (enhance) of modern education requires to update the content based on the competence approach. Students’ professional self-determination is studied as a multifaceted process that is implemented through the system of practical methods and tools that comprise the educational activities.
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