primary education, textbook, competency-based approach, literature-based readingAbstract
The problem of modernization of the content of the initial course of language and literature education and preparation of innovative educational support for the subject “Literature-based Reading” for grades 2–4 in the context of ideas of the New Ukrainian School and in correlation with the new State Standard of Primary Education is actualized in the article. The didactic and methodical researches in the field of the Ukrainian textbook’s creation for primary school are analyzed. The purposes of the textbook in the conditions of realization of the competency-based approach in educational process are defined. The functions of the textbook on literature-based reading for primary school in the conditions of competenceoriented learning, the requirements for its semantic content, structural components, and methods of presentation of didactic material, are specified. The competency-based capacity of the current textbooks “Ukrainian language and reading. Part 2” for grades 2–4 (by author O. Vashulenko) regarding the implementation of the requirements of the content lines of the Standard Educational Program is disclosed. The conclusion is made that the creation of innovative textbooks on literature-based reading for primary school based on performance-effective education is an important task for the New Ukrainian School. The methodological apparatus and illustrative support of the author’s textbooks on literature-based reading, are created based on childcenteredness, which puts forward the interests, needs and opportunities of students. Procedural performance of tasks creates preconditions for the development of positive personal qualities of the child-reader. The content, structure, and methods of presentation of didactic material in textbooks on literature-based reading are subject to the formation in primary school pupils of reading, communicative and other key competencies. Procedural performance of tasks creates preconditions for the development of positive personal qualities of the child-reader. The article is addressed to teachers, scientists studying the problem of creating textbooks for primary school, teachers of higher pedagogical educational institutions and institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education.
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