



competence, emotional competence, ethical competence, emotional and ethical competence, emotional intelligence, moral education, education applicants


The article is devoted to the substantiation of the essential characteristic of the «emotional and ethical competence of personality» concept and its place and role in the educational process. The reflection of scientific sources on the problem is made: scientific works of famous domestic and foreign scientists are analyzed, which indicates the relevance of the problem of formation of emotional and ethical competence of personality in the educational process. The analysis of current normative and regulatory educational documents of Ukraine shows that modern domestic reforms are focused on issues of formation of emotional and ethical competence of personality of education applicants of all levels and degrees, in particular, in the process of implementing the strategic idea of the New Ukrainian School Concept in educational activities. The actual definitions of the concepts “emotional intelligence”, “personality emotional competence”, “personality ethical competence”, “personality emotional and ethical competence” in the scientific heritage of scientists were analyzed, key differences in their essential characteristics were established. In the substantiation of the phenomenon under study we relied on the generalized interpretation of “emotional intelligence” as a complex of knowledge, skills, abilities of personality to identify and distinguish emotions, to understand them and manage their own emotions and others, and on the understanding of “emotional competence”, skills, ways of thinking, views, values, other personality qualities, which determine the ability of a person to successfully socialize. The article offers the author’s interpretation of the studied characteristic of the personality in psychological and pedagogical contexts as a complicated, individual-psychological quality that combines theoretical knowledge (types and intensity of emotions, reasons for their occurrence, etc.), value and ethical orientations, personality abilities (awareness and feelings, management of their emotional states), practical skills (constructive response to expressions of emotions without censure, correlation and stabilization of their attention in the process of life) and the application of the above-mentioned qualities on the basis of ethics and morality.


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How to Cite

ГРЕЧАНИК, С., & ГРЕЧАНИК, Н. (2022). EMOTIONAL AND ETHICALLY COMPETENCE OF THE PERSONALITY AS A PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEM. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, 2(1), 44–49. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2022.1.2.7

