managerial competence, professional competence, health-preserving competence, safe educational environment, inclusive educational environment, state of health, health-preservingAbstract
The competence of the head of general secondary education institution in the formation of a safe, healthy educational environment is considered. It is noted that in the professional standards among the list of managerial and professional functions of the head of general secondary education institution related to the implementation of the New Ukrainian school is health-preserving competence and professional functions for building a safe and healthy educational environment. The research methodology consisted of the works of I. Anokhin, V. Maslov, I. Pidlasy, O. Vashchenko, V. Ilchenko, L. Rybalko, N. Tamarska, A. Khutorsky, and A. Tsymbalaru. Scientists and educators in their research have repeatedly drawn attention to the development of professional, managerial competencies of heads of educational institutions. The study clarifies the concept of “health-preserving competence”. It is envisaged that the head of the educational institution, within the limits of his powers, promotes a healthy lifestyle of students and employees of the educational institution and ensures the creation of a safe educational environment in the educational institution, free from violence and bullying. It is emphasized that a modern educational institution should ensure the creation of such learning conditions under which all participants in the educational process will have equal access to education, including children with special educational needs, who should also study in preschool and secondary schools, and the head of the educational institution should have appropriate professional competencies and promote the creation of an inclusive educational environment, universal design and intelligent adaptation in the educational institution. An analysis of the National Strategy for Building a Safe and Healthy Educational Environment in the New Ukrainian School. Thus, the head of the general secondary education institution institution must have the competencies for the holistic formation of a safe and healthy educational environment in the New Ukrainian School.
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