



quality of education, didactics of primary school, learning outcomes, New Ukrainian School


The analysis of the quality category was carried out, as a result of which a conclusion was made about its multidisciplinary nature and acceptability for a wide range of applications. The quality of education was determined by the derivative characteristic of this category. The article substantiates the position of the authors who, in characterizing the quality of education as a systemic object, establish its essence, structure, properties; form criteria and indicators for evaluating the pedagogical process and its result; conduct monitoring in order to determine the compliance of the current situation with the current standards with subsequent conclusion on management decisions; find out the shortcomings in the functioning of the industry. It has been established that the objects of quality management can be both the educational institutions themselves and the level of educational services provided by them, which are affected by the quality of educational programs, management of the educational process and educational results of applicants. Based on the analysis of the existing domestic and foreign experience in studying the quality of education, the content of conceptual documents for the New Ukrainian School, the main didactic characteristics of modern education are formulated, ensuring that primary school students achieve high-quality learning outcomes. The main pedagogical characteristics of the quality of modern education, which ensure the achievement of high-quality learning outcomes by primary school students, are determined – didactic, epistemological, psychological, sociological. The conceptual dominants of the categorical field of the concept of the quality of education, which are important for their use in the field of control and evaluation of the subjects of the educational process in modern primary schools, are highlighted.


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How to Cite

ОНОПРІЄНКО, О. (2022). QUALITY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES AS A CURRENT CATEGORY OF PRIMARY EDUCATION. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, 2(1), 132–139. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2022.1.2.21

