digital competence, digital literacy, digital competence of a teacher, distance learning, art in the conditions of distance learningAbstract
The article considers the problem of digital competence of teachers in teaching art disciplines in the conditions of distance learning. The essence of the concepts of "digital literacy" and "digital competence" is revealed, emphasizing that digital competence acts as a generalizing category of the highest order, and may include concepts such as "digital skills", "media" and "information literacy", "ICT literacy". Digital competence was analyzed through the prism of "Description of digital competence of a pedagogical worker", "Description of the framework of digital competence for citizens of Ukraine DigCompUA for Citizens 2.1". A study of the problem of digital competence of teachers of art disciplines in the context of distance learning by surveying primary school teachers and teachers involved in the teaching of art disciplines. The importance of demonstrating drawing techniques in real time is emphasized, ie students must see all the actions of the teacher during the creative process with comments. Visual contact with students is important for the teacher, so the main task is to maximize the modeling of the process and conditions of full-time learning. Insufficient level of digital competence of teachers in teaching art disciplines in distance learning, as art cycle lessons require a thorough demonstration of the sequence of drawing, creating a work or studying a piece of music, and not just reducing the lesson to video or no explanation. A set of programs and applications that can be used during the organization of art cycle lessons in the context of distance learning, including sites of virtual tours, programs ArtRage, Pottery, interactive platforms Kahoot, LearningApp. The importance of further research and development of the description of digital tools, methodical recommendations and practical achievements of the use of digital tools in the teaching of artistic disciplines is emphasized.
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