system of formation, pedagogical conditions, emotional intelligence, preschool age.Abstract
The article presents a scientifically sound and experimentally tested pedagogical system, which is a description of the pedagogical conditions under which the formation of emotional intelligence of preschool children is most effective. In addition, the tasks to be performed in the process of implementing this system are formulated. Also, the stages of work on the implementation of this project are outlined, the forms of work with each group of recipients – participants in the educational process are described. The structure of the system indicates staffing and target audience. It is emphasized that the task of forming emotional awareness of the preschooler is, above all, a pedagogical problem. Along with the theoretical and methodological component, the system contains practical recommendations for teachers on the implementation of work on the development of emotional intelligence of preschoolers directly into the educational process. The motivational basis for compiling this system is determined separately. The purpose of the article is to highlight ways to implement this task in practice and to present a holistic system for the formation of emotional intelligence of preschoolers in the preschool. Since the concept of emotional intelligence is new to modern Ukrainian science, it is underdeveloped, especially in the ontogenesis of preschool childhood. The scientific community has paid almost no attention to the development of emotional intelligence as a pedagogical problem. The conclusion to this study is the need to introduce a system of emotional intelligence of older preschool children in the educational process of preschool education, as a necessary condition for successful socialization of preschoolers and its further effective entry into the adult world. Emphasis is placed on the need to integrate this work into all areas of the educational process, in order to supplement the basic educational tasks in any regime moments of the organized activities of the children's team.
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