ability to predict, prognostic skills, reading strategies and practices, stages of working with text, primary school children.Abstract
The article is devoted to the problem of developing the ability of primary school students to predict in the process of implementing productive reading strategies and practices. It is noted that students' mastery of prognostic skills allows them to independently set personally meaningful goals of the activity, predict its results, put forward plausible semantic hypotheses at different stages of textual activity which contributes to students' in-depth understanding of the text content, activation of thought processes, interaction between the student and the text content, development of creative imagination. The analysis of theoretical sources on the problem is carried out; the leading directions and results of modern research on the formation and development of the prognostic reading activity of primary school children are highlighted. The main attention of the article is devoted to the substantiation of the technologies of using productive reading strategies and practices from the point of view of the formation of prognostic skills of primary school children at different stages of textual activity. In particular, the methodological aspects of the application of some strategies are revealed, such as "Brainstorming", "Guidelines for Predicting the Content of the Text"; "Guidelines for Predicting the Content of the Children's Book" (the stage of pre-textual activity); "Linguistic and Contextual Guesses", "Directed Reading" (the stage of the actual textual activity). It is asserted the need for increased attention to the formation of students' ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships in the text as one of the important psychological mechanisms underlying prediction; the methodology of its formation in students of grades 1-4 is presented. The conclusions of the article outline the effectiveness of the application of these reading strategies and practices; their influence on the development of skills to put forward, substantiate, critically evaluate plausible semantic hypotheses on the approximate and further development of the content of the text/children’s book, as well as on the development of students' speech, in-depth understanding of the text; the prospects for further scientific research of the problem are specified.
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