health-preserving technologies, health-preserving competencies, junior students of New Ukrainian School, primary education, healthy lifestyle.Abstract
The article highlights the essence and features of using health-preserving technologies for formation healthy lifestyle of students in the primary school in the frame of New Ukrainian School. The purpose of the article is to analyze the process of formation of health-preserving competencies junior students of New Ukrainian School and to determine the role and place of primary school in this process. The scientific basis of the formation healthy lifestyle research in primary educational is analyzed. Analysis showed that they have changed with the emergence of new global challenges. The essence of the concept of health-preserving technologies as one of the factors for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of children is determined. Emphasis is placed on classification helth-preserving technologies. The process of forming a healthy lifestyle is based on the child’s activity, And the result is achieved through healh-preserving technologies: fairy tale therapy, music therapy, sand therapy, pet therapy, phototherapy, game therapy, puppet therapy, bibliotherapy, color therapy, laughter therapy, aromatherapy, lithotherapy, etc. The advantages of introducing nontraditional technologies into the educational process are clarified and role of teacher. It is shown that health-saving technologies imply purposeful interaction of teachers and students, a consistent system of active actions of all participants of the educational process. All things considered, in today’s conditions there is a need to use heathcare technologies that would be implemented in primary school and family. Generalized conclusions are made that health-preserving technologies make it possible to ensure the proper health of junior students of New Ukrainian School, to take care of their high level of self-realization, to develop a healthy lifestyle.
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