critical thinking, children of primary school age, innovative technologiesAbstract
The article found that critical thinking is one of the key competencies and reflects all the main regularities of the definition of «thinking». It was determined that the formation of a personality capable of realizing this is impossible without the development of critical thinking in her from childhood. It was established that the main features of critical thinking and their manifestations in the real life of a person are, in particular, the ability of a person to independently analyze information, determine its essence, compare it with other information and draw its own conclusions; the ability to see errors or logical violations in the arguments of partners and in other sources of information. In general, modern children should be able to perceive factual material, carefully and critically analyze it, supplement it with their own research, find cause-and-effect relationships, synthesize their own statements, that is, when children learn to think critically, they learn to evaluate the results of their thought processes – to what extent the correct decision we made or how successfully we coped with the task, because nowadays the development of a modern child is carried out taking into account the competence approach, in accordance with the current regulatory framework. In particular, it is substantiated that the use of technology for the development of critical thinking contributes to more effective assimilation of knowledge, because the interactivity of the method is not aimed at memorization, but at a thoughtful process of cognition, at posing a problem and searching for its solution. It has been established that among the educational tasks, the formation of a conscious personality, its intellectual development, intellectual receptivity (the ability to learn new information; intellectual mobility, flexibility of thinking, which in the modern world) is an essential condition for relatively painless adaptation of the personality to constantly changing life circumstances is of primary importance.
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