life competence, preschool child, doll-therapy, dolls-«moral guides», dolls-persons, moral upbringing, values, life values.Abstract
The article clarifies that the problem of forming preschool children’s life competence is an urgent task of preschool education. The period of preschool age plays a fundamental role in the formation of a child as a subject of life. The necessity and search for effective ways to form the preschool children’s life competence is substantiated. The definitions of the concepts «dolls-«moral guides»,«dolls-persons» are characterized. The content of the method «Doll as a person: a pedagogical approach to the social and psychological development of the child», which is designed to teach children: to perceive themselves positively in different situations; respect a family and the families of others; to empathize, to hear others and learn from each other; stand up for themselves in situations of injustice and prejudice; to transfer the skills of communication with the doll to real life situations. The main principles of using dolls in the process of preschool children’s moral education are highlighted: equality in attitude to children; emotional response to behaviour; group and individual communication; surprise of the visit; consistency of actions during the arrival; stimulating effect; moral content; variety of forms of contact. The doll encourages children to talk about prejudices, stereotypes, misconceptions. Thanks to this, you can learn about the children’s thoughts and experiences, prevent their problems in the future. Methodical recommendations for educators of preschool educational institutions on the use of dolls – «moral guides» in working with children are offered. It is established that a doll – a «moral guide» should become a friend for children. They begin to trust it with their secrets, ask for advice in difficult situations, share achievements, and so on. And the doll, in turn, rejoices in their success, tells them how to act in good conscience, and helps to overcome difficulties.
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