professional activity, future specialists of preschool education institutions, pedagogical interaction, internally displaced persons, formal, informal (intra-company) and informal vocational education.Abstract
The article raises the issue of forming the readiness of future educators of preschool education institutions for pedagogical interaction with the families of IDP children, which is due to hostilities in the eastern regions of Ukraine. As a result of large-scale internal movement in a large part of the population there were economic, social, psychological and pedagogical problems. In particular, in children from internally displaced families we observe stress disorders, difficulties in relationships with parents, disorders of speech development, emotional and volitional sphere, etc. Thus, the pedagogical teams of ZDO face difficult tasks: to help them adapt to new conditions; to promote the solution of internal family problems; create a favorable environment for the comprehensive development of each child. The purpose of the work is to consider the process of forming the readiness of future educators of preschool institutions for pedagogical interaction with the families of children of internally displaced persons. Methodology. A number of methods were used in the study. Namely: the study of scientific psychological and pedagogical, educational and methodological literature, programs, state regulatory framework, textbooks that determine the content of this readiness; synthesis, comparison, generalization and systematization of views of scientists on various aspects of the researched problem; content analysis of basic research concepts; pedagogical experiment (ascertaining, forming and control stages); statistical - methods of mathematical processing of experimental data; quantitative, qualitative analysis and graphical presentation of research results. Scientific novelty - for the first time the process of formation of readiness of future educators of ZDO for pedagogical interaction with families of children of internally displaced persons is revealed, which is provided by integration of formal, informal (intrafirm) and informal professional pedagogical education. The modular program «Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education», which contributed to variable learning on the internship site, is considered. Experimental sites have been singled out as a temporary structural unit for advanced training in pedagogical interaction in the form of internships in the areas of innovation. Conclusions. The effectiveness of the process of forming the readiness of future educators of preschool education institutions for pedagogical interaction with the families of children of internally displaced persons is ensured provided that future teachers are involved in all types of professional pedagogical education: formal, informal, informal. The best forms and methods of forming this readiness are lecture-presentation, business, interactive games, workshops, case method, problem solving, pedagogical training, moderation, work in pairs, groups, workshops, creating cases, games for an interactive whiteboard.
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