foreign language education, linguistic pedagogy, future specialists of foreign languages, European Union, Ukraine, educational process, professional competencesAbstract
The article, based on the analysis of scientific studies of modern researchers and the activities of higher education institutions in the countries of the European Union and Ukraine, substantiates the relevance and expediency of training future teachers/teachers of foreign languages on the basis of linguistic pedagogy. Their role in creating a favorable foreign language educational space for direct communication between the subjects of the learning process (teacher and students, teacher and student, student – students, student – student) and the involvement of native speakers of the language and modern pedagogical technologies in order to develop intercultural communication skills is revealed. and acquisition of professional competences by education seekers. The content of general pedagogical and linguistic didactic disciplines as the basis of theoretical, practical and research training of future specialists in foreign language education at universities in Poland, the Czech Republic and Ukraine and improvement of their oral and written communication skills in a multicultural environment is analyzed. It was established that in this multifaceted process, based on the provisions of the Pan-European Recommendations on language education, each member state of the European Union takes into account national traditions and experience in learning foreign languages, the achievements of world language pedagogy, individual requests and needs of its citizens, and the presence of experienced scientific and pedagogical potential. It was found that the study of the disciplines of pedagogical and linguistic didactic cycles contributes to the formation of future specialists in-depth theoretical knowledge, understanding of the processes of development, socialization, education and training of growing citizens of Europe, the acquisition of professional competences for successful activities in the European educational and scientific space.
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