



digital literacy, teacher digital literacy, digital competencies, pedagogical reflection


The article analyzes the role and importance of digital literacy in the modern world. Using theoretical analysis allowed the author to determine the essence of the digital literacy concept and comprehensively consider the positions of scientists, state institutions, and legislation on the issue of ensuring the formation of civil digital literacy. European and domestic approaches to defining the list of digital competencies necessary for a modern person are covered. It is established that improvement and spread of digital technologies in all life spheres of modern man present new challenges to the state and education institutions. Digitization of all spheres of social life, including the education sector, leads to the need to develop the digital literacy of all citizens, especially teachers. Therefore, the author clarifies the importance of digital literacy for a modern teacher. The value of the teacher’s professional reflection for the formation of own digital literacy is determined. Based on the conducted theoretical analysis, the author concluded that modern digital technologies open the door to education to ensure the accessibility of education and its individualization and maintain effective implementation of distance education. In addition, a teacher obtains an extended set of pedagogical tools that can be used to advance the quality of education both in face-to-face, distance, or mixed mode. At the same time, the efficient work of a teacher, by its very nature in the new digital educational space, requires a formed digital literacy from him, which is expressed in mastering the appropriate digital competencies. In this context, the teacher’s professional reflection plays an extremely important role.


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How to Cite

СЕНЧИНА , Н. (2023). TEACHER DIGITAL LITERACY THROUGH THE PRISM OF PROFESSIONAL REFLECTION. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (6), 50–56. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2022.6.8

