intellectual culture, development, mental work, thinking, abilities, stimulation, intellectual activity.Abstract
In this article the author considers the essence of the development of intellectual culture in the school space with children of different ages and with special educational needs. The importance of the levels of formation of intellectual culture in junior schoolchildren at the present stage is focused on. It is emphasized that interactive learning technologies can be successfully used in the formation of intellectual culture of primary school students. At the same time, the author importantly noted that such technologies can not be the purpose of the lesson, but are only a pedagogical tool that allows to achieve the main goal, namely - to increase intellectual culture. The study presents the essence of basic concepts such as "intelligence", "intellectual culture", "interactive learning technologies". The need for the use of interactive learning technologies in primary school lessons in an inclusive classroom has been noted. The researcher managed to reveal the definition of intellectual culture in modern pedagogy and psychology, which allowed to determine that intellectual culture is a set of knowledge and skills of mental work, the ability to set goals and plan cognitive activities, as well as perform mental and intellectual logical operations ways. The reforms taking place in our country have changed not only social relations, but also the nature of the social environment, the psychological atmosphere of society, the life strategies of parents. The article analyzes the features of building a pedagogical system of education of intellectual culture in junior high school students, among which the child’s choice of educational trajectory is highlighted; unified educational system "lesson - extracurricular activities"; active interaction "teacher-student", "parents-student"; different age interaction of students at school; constant process of professional growth of teachers; monitoring the development of psychological tumors in students in an inclusive environment.
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