key competence, teaching method, competence teaching of rhetoric, future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature.Abstract
The article raises the problem of training future teachers to use methods of competence-based rhetoric training in Ukrainian language classes. Given the fact that one of the priority tasks of the subject teacher is the formation of a number of cross-cutting skills and key competences in students, among which fluency in the state language occupies a special place, the emphasis is on methods that ensure the formation of a competent speaker. Since the rhetorician is able to successfully resolve issues related to mastering the secrets of effective communication and the laws of oratory, there was a need to include this discipline in the curricula of higher education institutions. However, educational practice convinces that students should learn the theory of rhetoric, skillfully master the language, it is very important to acquire communicative experience, persistently form critical and logical thinking, linguistic creativity, master an effective methodological toolkit, because the teacher should possess a set of methods and techniques for stimulating students to speak improve. It is important to acquaint them with the methods of competence-oriented teaching of rhetoric in Ukrainian language classes. The article emphasizes that the training of future teachers to apply methods of competence-oriented teaching of rhetoric should take place on an interdisciplinary basis. This enables a multi-faceted consideration of the problem of applying rhetoric teaching methods in school practice, which should occur equally in the methodology course and in the process of mastering rhetoric. It is noted that the result of interdisciplinary training can be the students' rhetorical portfolio. The didactic, developmental, and educational potential of the methods of rhetorical competence training are determined, ways of familiarizing language teachers with them, and ideas regarding their use in the educational process are presented. The role and prospects of using competence-based methods of teaching rhetoric are revealed; criteria for their selection and conditions of application are defined and characterized. It has been found that the application of methods of rhetorical competence training contributes to increasing the motivation of male and female students to learn the Ukrainian language, use it in any life situations, and the ability to communicate tolerantly and effectively.
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