research methodology, systems thinking, Maxwell's distribution, scientific research, research projectAbstract
The problem of the ratio of modern and classic scientific ideas remains urgent for researchers. It acquires special importance in pedagogical research. The rapid introduction of nanotechnologies into production processes led us to the conclusion that it is expedient to conduct a thorough scientific and methodological analysis of the ratio of the latest and classical concepts in the content of the educational components of the training of future specialists in the natural, technological and professional fields of education. We offer the implementation of these scientific studies through the implementation of research projects, course and qualification papers, etc. The essence is the organization of scientific activity, the identification and activation of the creative intelligence of subjects of study, which ensures the acquisition and practical use of new knowledge and the production of scientific products. The above algorithm is carried out through: problem creation → hypothesis formation → use of new research methods → generalization of research results. The purpose of the article: based on modern educational paradigms, to justify approaches to the study of the problem of methodology development in scientific research during student research in the field of natural sciences, technologies, and professional education. In the article, the concept of the methodology of scientific research is considered as an ascending position, a core development idea of the problem. For an example of the implementation of the research methodology, which ensures the formation of system thinking in the subjects of training, we suggest considering Maxwell's distribution, which systematically presents the ratio of energy and frequency of oscillations of macro- and micro-excited systems. In general, the proposed example of research implementation contributes to the formation of systemic thinking in students. We see the prospect of further research in the modeling of these processes using computer programming.
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