
  • Vadim Pisotskіy
  • Angela Horyanska



tolerance of future teachers, communicative tolerance, communicative attitude, emotional situation, coping strategies.


The article presents the theoretical development of the study of personality tolerance as a resource for overcoming emotional situations, as well as the results of a comprehensive empirical study of a sample of future teachers, which includes diagnosing the level of their communicative tolerance and communicative attitude, self-assessment of mental states (anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness, rigidity) and coping strategies (according to R. Larus and S. Folkman). The purpose of the empirical study is to find out the specifics of the relationship between communicative tolerance, communicative attitudes, mental states of future teachers and the strategies they choose to overcome stressful situations. Subject analysis of the concept of ‘tolerance of the individual as a psychological resource of the individual’ in the conditions of adaptation / self-determination was carried out. It was established that tolerance is a complex system of life values, beliefs and attitudes of an individual, his semantic and communicative attitudes, protective and behavioral mechanisms (assertiveness, coping strategies), which ensures a balance of psychological stability (preserving one's integrity) and changeability in accordance with the requirements of his social environment. The researched sample of future teachers showed average values of indicators from methods of self-assessment of mental states, communicative tolerance, and high values of negative communicative attitudes. Among coping strategies, ‘selfblame’, ‘seeking social support’, ‘self-control’, ‘positive re-evaluation’ are in the greatest demand among future teachers. Future teachers choose the confrontational strategy the least. The analysis of correlations showed that future teachers' emotional coping strategies have a defensive orientation, are characterized by avoidance, distancing, self-blame, passive tolerance and are associated with indicators of negative communicative tolerance and a general negative communicative attitude. Constructive coping strategies, which are focused on rational problem solving, on the contrary, are in no way related to negative communicative tolerance and its individual indicators, but have significant correlations with a general negative communicative attitude, which reduces their constructive potential. A general conclusion was made that tolerance and coping strategies of future teachers are closely related: on the one hand, coping strategies with a positive orientation strengthen the instrumental equipment of tolerance, make it more resourceful, effective and active, on the other hand, dispositional tolerance orients personality to choose and implement coping strategies with a positive prosocial orientation.


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How to Cite

Пісоцький, В. П., & Горянська, А. М. (2023). TOLERANCE OF FUTURE TEACHERS AS A RESOURCE FOR OVERCOMING EMOTIONAL SITUATIONS. Psychological Studies, (2), 155–164.


