


professional well-being, self-regulation, needs, value priorities, structural-functional model


Many different descriptions of personal well-being in the professional context exist in the scientific literature, which indicates the lack of a sufficient theoretical base and a generally accepted idea about professional well-being, as well as the need to clarify the meaning of this concept and its psychological mechanism. The models available today are characterized by a variety of structural elements, often overloaded with components and do not always represent a clear mechanism for the formation of the professional well-being of an individual. The purpose of this research is the theoretical development and substantiation of the structural-functional model of professional well-being of the individual. The conceptual basis of the model is A. Maslow's motivational theory. Professional well-being is considered as an integrated state that is formed in connection with the extent to which individual needs are realized in professional activity, taking into account individual values and meanings. Attributing well-being to the category of mental states of the individual is the basis for studying this phenomenon in the context of the system of self-regulation of the consistency of personal needs, goals, and value priorities with the possibility of their implementation in professional activity. When the level of professional well-being decreases, the value-semantic system of the individual acts as a mediator, which strengthens the motivation for change and contributes to its preservation in case of minor differences between the real and the desired in the professional sphere. A decrease in satisfaction with certain aspects of professional activity, which arises in response to the inconsistency of a person's capabilities with his needs and life values, leads to their rethinking. As a result, these aspects acquire additional value and increase human motivation for transformative activity aimed at their implementation. The construction of a structural and functional model of professional well-being in the system of self-regulation allows us to reveal the logic of its formation. The perspective of further research is the empirical verification of the proposed model.


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