


subjectivity, student age, reflection, intelligence, independence, seeking the meaning of life


The goal of the article is to analyze the main theoretical concepts of the nature and development of subjectivity in the student's age. The article substantiates the theoretical and practical relevance of the study of this issue. It has been established that the main features of the student age are strengthening of reflection, creation of life plans, readiness for professional and personal self-determination, integration into various social spheres, development of self-awareness, and formation of worldview. Within the context of the purpose of the article, subjectivity is considered as a characteristic of active impact on external and internal reality. In this context, the main features of subjectivity are independence, individuality, self-sufficiency, and readiness for complex decisions. The subjectivity of students is interpreted as a dynamic characteristic of a personality that reflects the individual style of activity and the integrity of self-image. This phenomenon is the basis for an active position towards education, gaining experience, and self-regulation of behavior. It has been determined that subjectivity is manifested in the desire for new things, social interaction, and success in the student's environment. Factors of development of the subjective position in the period of getting higher education are described: educational dialogue in different social systems; active acquisition of subjective experience in the process of educational and professional activity; stimulation of self-regulation and self-control of students; harmonization of components of self-awareness; development of reflection. It has been characterized the levels of student’s subjectivity formation: imitative, regulatory, and creative. It has been analyzed the main mental phenomena that influence the formation of students' subjectivity: reflection, intelligence, independence, seeking the meaning of life, creativity. It has been concluded that the main social aspect of the development of students' subjective position is social activity in higher education institutions and educational and professional activity. Further prospects of researching the issue are found in collecting and analyzing empirical indicators of student's subjectivity in higher education. 


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How to Cite

Зінченко, О. В., & Шерудило, А. В. (2024). SUBJECTIVITY IN THE STUDENTS’ AGE: GENERAL THEORETICAL CONCEPTS. Psychological Studies, (2), 36–41.


