


psychological self-preservation, health, stress, psychological safety, coping strategies, psychological stability


This article presents the results of an empirical study on the components of psychological self-preservation of volunteers, including a separate analysis of men and women. The psychodiagnostic methods for studying the components of psychological self-preservation (cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social) were identified through the psychodiagnostics of personal characteristics, levels of subjective stress, psychological safety, the presence of meaning in life, and primary coping mechanisms. A brief theoretical analysis of approaches to understanding the concept of psychological self-preservation through the prism of mental health and personal well-being was conducted. The study focuses on examining personal characteristics, stress levels, psychological safety, and coping strategies of volunteers working with children and youth, performing important social work under the conditions of military conflict in Ukraine. Using comprehensive psychodiagnostic methods, the main differences between men and women in their ways of coping with stressful situations and ensuring psychological safety were determined. The results of the study demonstrate the presence of gender differences in psychological reactions and adaptive mechanisms, which have significant practical implications for developing effective support programs and enhancing psychological self-preservation for volunteers. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the potential use of the developed and tested complex of psychodiagnostic methods, results, and conclusions of the study in working with youth and volunteers on developing resilience to stressful situations and forming and enhancing psychological self-preservation as a fundamental part of personal health in various life situations. The results of the study are a significant contribution to the planning and development of training sessions and exercises aimed at enhancing human resilience in situations of emotional distress. 


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How to Cite

Шевцова, Т. Є. (2024). GENDER SPECIFICS OF VOLUNTEERS’ PSYCHOLOGICAL SELF-PRESERVATION. Psychological Studies, (2), 144–150.


