



drawing, art, illustration, graphics, drawing techniques


Drawing is a technique of illustrative image, which is the oldest kind of fine art, a subspecies of graphics and the structural basis of any image. For many years, it remained essentially only an auxiliary tool in the work of an artist, sculptor or architect, and as a way to create quick sketches and detailed graphic works. Most creative personalities usually did not keep after work on the next work, threw out numerous sketches and sketches, only at the beginning of the XX century, drawing was recognized as a full-fledged autonomous form of fine art. However, ancient images of the city on such sketches, sketches, sketches are no longer just photographs and postcards with their documentary accuracy, they are first of all the author's vision and history. In modern society, with the development of new digital technologies and other visual areas, art often ceases to function within the framework of pure creativity. It usually merges with science, the latest technologies, combined with various techniques and effects. However, to touch the history of Lutsk through the study of old images of the city that have survived to this day will reveal to us the well-known and forgotten, even legendary corners of Lutsk. The purpose of the article is to discuss graphic techniques in the images of Lutsk in the XIX century, because despite all the achievements of mankind, art reflects the spirit of the time and the inner world of the artist living in this era, and the drawings acquire, in addition, also documentary and historical value. The development of society has brought to the fore the question of the relationship between art culture and historical monument. The transformation of values and changes in perceptions of the world have led to changes in the reflection of reality. As a special sphere of cultural life, art creates a need for both historical and new, unique perspectives. Realization of the set purpose provides the decision of a number of problems, such as: 1) disclosure of essence of concept of drawing as a direction of art, the analysis of occurrence and its displays; 2) study of the specifics of the graphic image of Lutsk in the XIX century. The author of the article explores aspects of the development of drawing as a direction in art through ancient images of Lutsk and the suburbs on sketches, sketches, sketches of the XIX century. The article considers the preconditions for the development of the art of drawing and other graphic techniques in Volyn that influenced its development and evaluation by society. In general, this text reveals ancient images of the city in sketches, sketches, sketches with the author's vision of contemporary artists, which is a kind of characteristic of certain cultural phenomena that affect the formation and evolution of art. In conclusion, the article emphasizes that the importance of drawing in art is difficult to overestimate. With its help, artists look for new interesting ideas and compositions for their works, make auxiliary sketches, which are used in the process of working on a large-scale painting, for careful display of individual objects, as well as in creative search. It is important that the surviving graphic works reflect the spirit of the time and the inner world of the artist living in this era, reveal to us well-known, sometimes long changed and forgotten, even the legendary corners of Lutsk therefore acquire documentary and historical value.


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How to Cite

PROKOPOVYCH Т. (2021). DRAWING – AS A KIND OF ILLUSTRATIVE IMAGE OF THE CITY OF LUTSK IN THE 19th CENTURY. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (2), 38–43. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2021-2-6