accordion performance, musical art, repertoire, international competition, Kyiv performing school.Abstract
The early stage of the development of Ukrainian musical culture is marked by the active integration of this phenomenon into the European and world scene. This is facilitated by various factors, in particular, the creativity of Ukrainian accordion players and art collectives using these instruments. The aim of the article is the process of researching the artistic aspects and features of Yevgenia Ivanivna Cherkazova's creativity in modern accordion performance. Scientific novelty. Innovative trends in the performance art of a representative of the Kyiv accordion school are highlighted, using the example of Yevgenia Cherkazova's work. As a conclusion, the article emphasizes that the main goal of E. Cherkazova's teaching activity is the search for effective methods related to the purely artistic aspects of musical creativity, because performance tasks of a technical nature are determined by specific artistic tasks and ideas that are formed in the inner world of the personality.
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