


destruction waste, recycling, military operations


Objective of the study. In 2014, Ukraine signed the Association Agreement with the European Union. With this step, the country confirmed its European choice, including in the field of waste management. In peacetime, our country paid most attention to solving the problem of solid waste management. Technologies were used to reduce waste production, sort and use waste as a resource for energy generation. Nowadays, due to the large amount of destruction caused by military operations on the territory of Ukraine, the question of what to do with the waste of destruction has become very acute. Society must look for ways to solve the problem of recycling the waste from destruction into other products that can be used in various spheres of life. An important task is to identify the priority steps to implement the Law of Ukraine "On Waste Management", to solve the problems of processing and utilization of demolition waste arising from military operations without adverse environmental impact, to promote investment in the creation of environmentally friendly waste processing infrastructure and to study international experience in demolition waste management. Given the current realities, a significant step forward will be the use of recycling technologies, which will significantly save financial costs for the reconstruction of our country and thus allow us to get rid of a significant share of the waste of destruction. Methodology. The problem of recycling demolition waste is extremely relevant today, so many environmental scientists, journalists and concerned citizens pay a lot of attention to this issue. The authors determine the need to apply recycling technologies to form an effective system of demolition waste management. The basic principles of applying modern approaches to the management of demolition waste from residential and transport infrastructure are considered. A review and analysis of publications on the management of demolition waste and the negative impact of such waste on the environment confirms the relevance and urgency of the issue. The scientific novelty lies in the substantiation and development of organizational and technical solutions for the use of recycling technology for demolition waste to reduce the risks of environmental damage in Ukraine. Conclusions. Reducing the risks of military environmental damage (ecocide) through the use of recycling of demolition waste can be an important step to preserve the environment and prevent the deterioration of the environmental situation during war.


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How to Cite

ПАЦЕВА, І., & НОНІК, Л. (2023). RECYCLING OF DESTRUCTION WASTE IS A STEP TOWARDS REDUCING THE RISKS OF MILITARY ECOCIDE. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (3), 73–81.

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